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The Bridges We Cross

Short Film (2024)

Genre: Romance, Drama 

The story follows Henry and Bertie, two elderly gentlemen who are going into town to go to a concert. Bertie has middle to late Alzheimer's disease with Henry serving as his caretaker. As the couple walk through the town, they suddenly come across a bridge that evokes some unexpected memories.

About Our Film.

The Bridges We Cross (Written and Directed by Iris van Dongen) began its journey in the fall of 2022.


Set in rural England, The Bridges We Cross is a love story with a difference: it explores how people find the strength they need to overcome obstacles when all the odds seem against them. The story line for the film was largely inspired by close family members of the cast and crew and their stories inspiration to stand side by side with a partner who are approaching their final days. 

Currently still on its festival run (2024/2025), the film reached international acclaim when we won our first award in Cannes for best romance film shortly after the films release.

We were close partners with Nordisk Film Shortcut Ltd during our post-production process and the film was completed in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Process

The Director and Producers worked closely alongside with the Alzheimer's society of the UK and Sweden to ensure that the film was factually supported. Here we gained an array of information and insights that helped both the cast and crew cultivate a meaningful and inspiring story.

A pivitol part of our process was our collaboration with the LGBTQ+ and Dementia advisory group.

The LGBTQ+ Dementia Advisory Group began as a steering group in Summer 2020 with the aim of creating an online peer-support group for people living with dementia who identify as LGBTQ+. The steering group was made up of people living with dementia and their carers, as well as professionals who work with people living with dementia. 

IMVD Productions held a days long workshop in London with the organisation.

"I felt it was important to give our crew and cast the opportunity to discover their characters and the work of the script from people whose reality it is supporting a partner living with Alzheimer's/dementia when in a LGBTQ+ partnership" says the director, Iris van Dongen. "Not many people realise the circumstances that follow when their partner is diagnosed with Alzheimer's/Dementia and the loss of identity their partner can experience or the homophobia that people still experience (From medical staff to other family members) during this (already) heavy and distressing time".

If you would like to learn more about the work of the LGBTQ+ and Dementia advisory group, you can find useful sources and more information on their website 

Behind The Scenes.

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